Still pictures series

Zero Sun

The sun grows. Fast then slow. And again fast. It will consume the Earth. I walk towards it, to meet it on my terms. Our stages stand on its flood plain. Cruelty hangs close. But it too seeks a hopeless permanence. Our rendez-vous draws nearer. My legs tire. It burns hotter. 

Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie park, Warsaw, 2021

Canon EOS 33, Canon 100mm, Kodak TMax 400

Amsterdam, 2022

Canon EOS 3, Canon 100mm, Ilford Delta

Amsterdam, 2021

Canon EOS 33, Canon 100mm, Ilford Delta

Amsterdam, 2021

Canon EOS 33, Canon 100mm, Ilford Delta

 Amorgos, 2022

Canon EOS 3, Canon 85mm, Ilford HP5+

 Amsterdam, 2023

Widelux, Ilford HP5+

 Molat, Croatia 2023

Contax T, Ilford HP5+


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